
In October 2015 I was well overweight (still am, a long journey) had dangerously high blood pressure and was bordering having both diabetes and a stroke. I was addicted to sugar and basically was killing myself. I had already had to retire from my job as a Food and Nutrition Teacher due to declining health both physically and mentally. I watched an Australian movie called That Sugar Movie and realised that everything I ate was full of sugar and on top of that I ate sweets (candy) and chocolate daily in large amounts. So I gave up sugar and processed foods and have dropped from nearly 90kg to 74kg, not a dramatic loss but slow and steady. My blood pressure is now normal and I am no longer at risk of diabetes. I have more energy and only get headaches on the occasions I have a sugar crash. I'm not perfect and would never profess to be but want to use my knowledge and skills in food to help others reach their goals if I can. Welcome to my page and happy eating sugar free and low carb